
I'm a behavioural and sensory biologist interested in studying how animals do the crazy things they do. Some of the animals I've studied (and am studying) are social spiders, bats,..robots..and...plants. I like to mix behavioural observations, sensory measurements, modelling, and cool tech with lots of Python code to understand more about the how and why of animal behaviour.

Thanks for landing up here, and do check out the other pages about my research, publications, and my blog where I write mostly about science and scientific computing.


  • 2024-08 : BIGG news -- was awarded the Carl Zeiss Nexus grant to start my own research group, stay tuned for more!
  • 2023-12 : CASCB 'Small' grant funded for the pilot 'Swarm Ro-BAT-cs' grant, project due to start March 2024!!
  • 2023-10 : Best early-career researcher talk at the International Bio Acoustics Congress held at Sapporo, Japan!
  • 2023-10 : Awarded the CASCB postdoc fellowship - start to be decided.
  • 2023-09-27: Our paper on echolocation levels of a gleaning bat - lead by Lena de Framond is out now in Journal of Experimental Biology
  • 2022-08-01:Officially started the 2 year Walter Benjamin position awarded by the DFG at the University of Konstanz!