Publications and preprints

Jandeleit, J., Beleyur, T., & Goldluecke, B. (2023). A target-free approach to estimate thermal camera pose in LiDAR scenes of feature-deficient environments. bioRxiv,
de Framond, L., Beleyur, T., Lewanzik, D., & Goerlitz, H. R. (2023). Calibrated microphone array recordings reveal that a gleaning bat emits low-intensity echolocation calls even in open-space habitat. Journal of Experimental Biology, 226(18),

Beleyur, T. (2022), beamshapes: A Python package to generate directivity patterns for various sound source models. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(69), 3740. Download here
Beleyur, T., Murthy, G. T., Singh, S., Somanathan, H., Uma, D. (2021). Web structure, dynamics and silk investment in the social spider Stegodyphus sarasinorum, Animal Behaviour, 179 (pp 139-146). Download linkb

Beleyur, T., & Goerlitz, H. R. (2019). Modeling active sensing reveals echo detection even in large groups of bats. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116(52), 26662-26668. Download here:
Batstone, K., Flood, G., Beleyur, T., Larsson, V., Goerlitz, H. R., Oskarsson, M., & Åström, K. (2019, May). Robust Self-calibration of Constant Offset Time-difference-of-arrival. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 4410-4414). IEEE. Download here..
Kamburov, A., Goerlitz, H. R., Beleyur, T., 2018, Geospatial modelling inside the "Orlova Chuka" cave in Bulgaria, non-peer reviewed conference contribution, XXVIII International Symposium on Modern Technologies and Professional Practise in Geodesy and related fields

Beleyur, T., Bellur, D. U., & Somanathan, H. (2015). Long-term behavioural consistency in prey capture but not in web maintenance in a social spider. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 69(6), 1019-1028. Download link1.

Beleyur, T., Abdul Kareem, V. K., Shaji, A., & Prasad, K. (2013). A mathematical basis for plant patterning derived from physico‐chemical phenomena. Bioessays, 35(4), 366-376.